torsdag 7. juni 2012


I går holdt jeg for første gang, og kanskje eneste gang(?), en tale i et FN organ.
På vegne av studentene ved Genèveskolen 2012 takket jeg arbeidstaker gruppen i applikasjonskomiteen.
Under følger hva jeg sa:

"Thank you chair.

On behalf of the students from The Nordic folk high school I would like to thank the workers of this comitee for the way you all greeted us and for all you're help during the last week.

The Nordic folk high school has been coming to Geneva to follow this conference for 81 consecutive years.
This comitee is always well visited by the students and this is also the case this year.
Some of us where hopping to write a paper on this years list.
But it became evident early during this conference that a list would be difficult to negotiate this year.
Never the less we would like express our gratitude to mr. Leemans for his continued work and for all the help he has given us, helping us understand the process and how the ILO works.

We will never forget the events that have taken place in this room in the week we've been here and we can only hope that the students next year will get to see employers willing to come to the table to work out a list.

Thank you so mutch for having us.

Dan Rugsveen

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